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Sunday, July 29, 2012

How to Be Happy You

 ""I can make my life happy""

I've found that when I am most happy is when I'm helping others in need. Whatever the need may be and I am able to help. Happiness can come to you in something as small as opening your curtins or blinds in the morning to let the sun shine in.

We can make ourselves happy and that too very happy. It is simple and easy.



(1)___ Happiness is a state of mind & to attain it, surround yourself with positiveness. Spend time being with people you enjoy being around because they are positive people. You may also want to be around people who are laid back & happy-go-lucky. Those traits can rub off on others but it takes time. Do things that make you happy. It may be hobbies, music, reading, movies, etc. Stay away from people who are chronic complainers & throw "Pity Parties" for themselve often. Avoid dwelling on past happenings that make you feel down. Doing so, is just wasted energy. Feelings of self confidence, self worth, & high self esteem will help you achieve inner happiness. If those are lacking in your life, they are things to work on as each day goes by. Learn to love yourself, & doing so, doesn't make you a vain person. Once you truly love yourself, you'll be a happy & content person. Don't be afraid to face new challenges in life, no matter how big or small they may be. Those things are what makes a person more self confident about themselves.

(2)__ We are only guaranteed the right to pursue happiness. How we realize happiness is very individual. For those who think that happiness is a warm puppy, especially a beagle, I think there is a lot to that. Doing things for others will make you happy with yourself. Sometimes doing something nice for yourself will make you happy, too. Learn to appreciate your life as it is and don't waste it, wishing and wanting. 

(3)__ The method and procedure is first set your house in order.Be at ease. Be comfortable and peaceful. Be fair in your dealings and straightforward. Be cordial and friendly with everybody. Then make your immediate environment slowly and gradually peaceful and happy. Keep your family members happy. Keep your children happy. Then keep your friends happy, Then keep your neighbors happy. Then keep the society happy. Keep your parents and relatives happy. Sacrifice something for this purpose, if necessary. Take less and give more.

(4)__ Your motto should be to make maximum number of people happy for maximum period of time. If you are sad to day soon you will become happy. Be sure.

(5)__ You are the only one responsible for your happiness and I know what you mean. You just have to stay busy do volunteer work if you can aford it if not get any ol job to stay busy and then you can meet some people its hard I know Ive been there and I just had to make my mind I was going to be Happy please try its hard I know But you can do it.


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