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Thursday, December 18, 2014


Ketomar (Ketotifen)

Therapeutic Group: Anti Histamine


Ketomar Tablet: Each tablet contains Ketotifen Fumarate BP 1.38 mg equivalent to Ketotifen 1 mg.

Ketomar Syrup: Each 5 ml syrup contains Ketotifen Fumarate BP 1.38 mg equivalent to Ketotifen 1 mg.


Ketotifen is a nonbronchodilator anti-asthmatic drug which inhibits the effects of certain endogenous substances known to be inflammatory mediators. In addition, Ketotifen is a potent anti-allergic substance possessing a powerful and sustained noncompetitive histamine (H1) receptor blocking property.

Ketotifen is a type of asthma medication which, when taken every day and used along with other anti-asthmatic medications, may reduce the frequency, severity and duration of asthma symptoms or attacks in patients. It may also lead to a reduction in daily requirements of other anti-asthmatic medications such as Theophyllines and b2-agonists, without the deterioration in pulmonary functions (FEV1, FVC and PEFR). The prophylactic activity of Ketotifen may take several weeks to become fully established. Ketotifen will not abort established attacks of asthma.


- Prophylactic treatment of bronchial asthma

- Allergic rhinitis

- Allergic conditions such as hay fever, itchy rash or reactions to insect bites.

- Allergic conjunctivitis

Dosage & Administration

Tablet and syrup

(Ketotifen may be taken with or without food)

Ketomar Tablet:

Above 3 years and Adults:
1 mg twice daily (once in the morning & once in the evening.

Elderly Same as adult dose or as advised by the physician.

Ketomar Syrup:
6 months to 3 years:
0.25 ml / kg body weight, twice daily (Once in the morning & once in the evening).

* Missed dose- If a dose of this medicine is missed that should be taken as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and the regular dosing schedule should be maintained. Dose should not be doubled in case of a missed dose.

Side Effects

Drowsiness, and in isolated cases dry mouth and slight dizziness may occur at the beginning of treatment but usually disappear spontaneously after a few days.


Symptomatic and prophylactic anti-asthmatic drugs (Xanthine derivatives, b2-agonists, Sodium Cromoglycate, Corticosteroids) already in use should not be reduced immediately when treatment with Ketotifen is initiated. This applies especially to Systemic Corticosteroids and ACTH injections because of the possible existence of adrenocortical insufficiency in steroid-dependent patients. During the first day of treatment with Ketotifen, reactions may be impaired and patients should be warned not to take charge of vehicle or machinery until the effect of Ketotifen treatment on the individual is known.


Hypersensitivity to Ketotifen or any other components of the formulation.

Use in Pregnancy & Lactation

Pregnancy: Its safety in human pregnancy has not been established. Ketotifen should therefore be given to pregnant women only in compelling circumstances.

Lactation: Ketotifen is excreted in breast milk. Therefore mothers receiving Ketotifen should not breast-feed.

Drug Interaction

A reversible fall in the thrombocyte count in patients receiving Ketotifen concomitantly with oral anti-diabetic agents has been observed in rare cases. So it has been suggested that this combination should therefore be avoided.
Ketotifen may potentiate the effects of sedatives, hypnotics, anti-histamines and alcohol.


The reported features of over dosage include confusion, drowsiness, disorientation, headache, bradycardia and respiratory depression. Elimination of the drug with gastric lavage or emesis is recommended. Otherwise general supportive treatment is all that is required shall be instituted.

Commercial Packaging
Ketomar Tablet: Each box contains 10 blister strips of 10 tablets.
Ketomar Syrup: 100 ml syrup in amber glass bottle with measuring cup

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Visral.... Tiemonium Methylsulfate


Visral may be available in the countries listed below.

Ingredient matches for Visral

Tiemonium Methylsulfate

Tiemonium Methylsulfate is reported as an ingredient of Visral in the following countries:
  • Bangladesh

Monday, December 15, 2014

Encilor ..........(Loratadine)

Encilor (Loratadine)

Therapeutic Group: Anti Histamine

Encilor : Each tablet contains Loratadine INN 10 mg.

Encilor tablet is a preparation of Loratadine. Loratadine is a non-sedative histamine H1-receptor antagonist with antiallergic properties. Loratadine is a long acting tricyclic antihistamine with selective peripheral H1-receptor antagonistic activity and no central sedative or anticholinergic effect. It is rapidly effective and long-lasting, allowing once-a-day administration.


Encilor tablet provides fast, effective relief from the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis, perennial allergic rhinitis and skin allergies including chronic urticaria. It is also effective in alleviating symptoms of allergic rhinitis such as sneezing, nasal discharge, itching, ocular itching and burning. Nasal and ocular sign and symptoms are relieved rapidly after oral administration. Encilor tablet is also indicated in idiopathic urticaria. In children over 2 years Encilor tablet is indicated for the symptomatic relief of seasonal allergic rhinitis and allergic skin conditions such as urticaria, nettlerash.

Dosage & Administration

Adults and children over 12 years of age : One Encilor tablet once daily. It is usually administered in the morning or when symptoms require treatment.
Children 2-12 years : Body weight over 30 kg one Encilor tablet once daily, below 30 kg, half Encilor tablet once daily.
Encilor tablet is not recommended for use below 2 years of age since safety and efficacy has not been established.

Side Effects

During controlled clinical studies the incidence of adverse events, including sedation and anticholinergic effects observed with 10 mg Loratadine was comparable to that observed with placebo. Studies on the effect of loratadine on actual driving performance, and on tests of cognitive and psychomotor functioning have shown it to be comparable to placebo.


Loratadine is contraindicated in patients who have shown hypersensitivity or idiosyncracy to their components.

Use in Pregnancy & Lactation

There is no experience of the use of Loratadine in human pregnancy. Therefore its use during pregnancy is not advisable. Loratadine is excreted in breast milk in a very small amount. So nursing mothers are advised not to take the drug.


In adults somnolence, tachycardia and headache have been reported with overdose greater than 10 mg. Extrapyramidal signs and palpitations have been reported in children with over doses of greater than 10 mg. In the event of overdosage, general symptomatic and supportive measures should be instituted promptly and maintained for as long as necessary. It would seem reasonable to treat patients presenting early after large overdoses with oral activated charcoal. The conscious patients may be induced to vomit or gastric lavage may be performed.

Commercial Packaging

Encilor : Box containing 10 blister strips of 10 tablets.

Alervil......... (Pheniramine Maleate)

Alervil (Pheniramine Maleate)

Therapeutic Group: Anti Histamine

Alervil Syrup : Each 5 ml syrup contains Pheniramine Maleate BP 15 mg.


Alervil is suitable for the treatment of hypersensitivity reactions and pruritus of varying origin.


In different allergic conditions (hypersensitivity reactions) such as:

* Seasonal and perennial rhinitis;

* Hay fever (pollinosis) with attacks of sneezing, itching, running of the nose;


* Different skin allergies like; dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, angioedema;

* Pruritus of various etiology;

* Vasomotor rhinitis;

* Vertigo.

Dosage & Administration

Alervil syrup is particularly suitable for children.
Children aged 1-3 years should receive half a measuring spoonful 2 or 3 times daily.
Children aged 4-12 years, 1 measuring spoonful 2 or 3 times daily.
Adults and young people 1-2 measuring spoonful of syrup 2 or 3 times a day after meals.
A daily dose of 3mg/kg body weight must not be exceeded.

Side Effects

Occasionally there may be drowsiness, gastrointestinal complaints, dryness of mouth, palpitation, urinary retention or hypersensitivity reactions. In isolated cases, higher doses may produce hallucinations, restlessness or confusion; in small children, agitation. In patients with narrow angle-glaucoma a rise in intraocular pressure is possible, which makes opthalmologic control necessary. Even if used according to prescription, these preparations may reduce alertness to such an extent that the ability to cope with street traffic or operate machinery is impaired.


During pregnancy and lactation, pheniramine should be used only if strictly indicated,
and after considering the benefit/risk ratio for mother and child.


Hypersensitivity to pheniramine. Prostatic hypertrophy with residual urine formation.

Drug Interaction

The effect of drugs which act on the central nervous system (e.g. tranquilizers, sedatives, neuroleptic agents and MAO inhibitors) and of alcohol may be potentiated.

Commercial Packaging

Alervil syrup : Each glass bottle contains 75 ml syrup.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Fenofex (Fexofenadin)

Fenofex (Fexofenadin)

Therapeutic Group: Anti Histamine

((Fenofex: 60, 120,180mg and Each 5 ml suspension ))
1. Fenofex 60: Each film-coated tablet contains Fexofenadine Hydrochloride USP 60 mg 

2. Fenofex 120: Each film-coated tablet contains Fexofenadine Hydrochloride USP 120 mg

3. Fenofex 180: Each film-coated tablet contains Fexofenadine Hydrochloride USP 180 mg

4. Fenofex suspension: Each 5 ml suspension contains Fexofenadine Hydrochloride USP 30 mg

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Calci .............Calcium Pantothenate


Calcium Pantothenate
Calci? injection contains Calcium Pantothenate, a calcium salt of pantothenic acid, which is very essential for the supplementation of calcium in the body.

Calci ? Injection: Each 2 ml ampoule contains Calcium Pantothenate BP 100 mg.

Mode of action
Calcium pantothenate neutraliges gastric acid in peptic ulcer disease and  gives supplementary dietary calcium by reducing serum phosphorus concentration which ultimately increases the deposition of calcium phosphate in bone and soft tissue.

Calcium pantothenate is indicated in the supplementation of calcium. It is also indicated in deficient dietary intake as in childhood rickets, pregnancy and lactation, in old age due to improper absorption, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, parasthesia and muscle cramp.

Dosage & administration
Paresthesia and muscle cramp: 100-200 mg daily for 10 days. Post-operative paralytic ileus: 100 mg every 6 hours until normal peristalsis is established. The above doses may be administered IM or IV.

Side effects
None reported with the dosage recommended. Rapid IV administration may cause bradycardia, sense of oppression, metallic or chalky taste. IM administration of calcium may cause local reactions.

Hypercalcaemia, ventricular fibrillation, digitalized patients.

Use in pregnancy & lactation
Well documented informations have not been yet found regarding using of calcium pantothenate in pregnancy and lactation.

It is particularly important to avoid high concentration of calcium from reaching heart because of cardiac syncope.

Store in a cool and dry place, protected from light. 

Calci ? Injection: Each carton contains 5x10 ampoules in blister pack.

Calac................ Calcium Lactate


Calcium Lactate
Calcium Lactate (Calac?) has three main actions; it supplements dietary calcium, neutralizes gastric acid in peptic ulcer disease and sequesters phosphorus in the intestine to reduce total body phosphate accumulation in chronic renal failure.
Calac ? Tablet: Each tablet contains Calcium Lactate Pentahydrate BP 300 mg.
Mode of action
Calcium lactate reacts with gastric acid to produce a salt and water. The doses commonly used result in a pH of over 9 when dissolved in 30-40 ml of water. In chronic renal failure patients, calcium lactate is used as a phosphate binding agent, alone or in combination with an aluminium containing drug. The resulting reduction in serum phosphorus concentration may be due only in part to phosphate binding in the gut, as it has been suggested that increased deposition of calcium phosphate in bone and soft tissue may also be important.
For dietary calcium supplementation, as a phosphate binder in chronic renal failure and as an antacid.
Dosage & administration
In simple deficiency states calcium lactate may be given by mouth in doses to provide upto 50 mmol of calcium daily. The dosage should be adjusted to the individual patient?s requirement. (Ca++ mmol = 40 mg calcium lactate)
Side effects
The main symptomatic adverse effects in calcium lactate therapy are related to hypercalcaemia. However, constipation may be a problem with normal serum calcium.
Calcium lactate should not be given in hypercalcaemia, hyperparathyroidism, renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, concomitant digoxin therapy (requires careful monitoring of serum calcium level).
Use in pregnancy & lactation
Calcium containing drugs are used widely in pregnancy by way of oral calcium  supplementation or antacid therapy. There is no contraindication to the use of calcium lactate in lactating women.
Calcium lactate should be given cautiously to patients with impaired renal function or diseases associated with elevated vitamin D concentrations such as sarcoidosis.
Drug interactions
Corticosteroids reduce calcium absorption. Calcium enhances the effects of digitalis glycosides on the heart and may precipitate digitalis intoxication. It also reduces the absorption of bisphosphonates, fluoride, some fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines; administration should be separated by at least 3 hours.
Store in a cool and dry place, protected from light. 
Calac ? Tablet: Each carton contains 10x10 tablets in blister pack.

Myelin Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6 & Vitamin B12


Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6 & Vitamin B12

Myelin?  is a balanced combination of   Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12, used mainly for several neurological  disorders.

Myelin? Tablet: Each film-coated tablet contains Thiamine Mononitrate BP 100 mg, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride BP 200 mg and Cyanocobalamin BP 0.2 mg.
Myelin? Injection: Each 3 ml ampoule contains Thiamine Hydrochloride BP 100 mg, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride BP 100 mg and Cyanocobalamin BP 1 mg.

Mode of action
Vitamin B1 converts carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids into energy, promotes healthy nerves, improves mood, strengthens the heart. Vitamin B6 forms RBCs, helps cells to make proteins, manufactures neurotransmitters e.g. serotonin and releases stored forms of energy, helps to prevent CVS diseases and stroke, helps to lift depression, eases insomnia. Vitamin B12 is essential for cell replication and important for RBC production, prevents anemia, helps to prevent depression, reduces nerve pain, numbness and tingling, lowers the risk of heart diseases.

The vitamin ingredients are absorbed well in per oral reception. Small amounts of thiamine are well absorbed from the GIT following oral administration. It is widely distributed to most tissues, and appears in breast milk. Within the cell, thiamine is mostly present as diphosphate. Thiamine is not stored to any appreciable extent in the body and amounts in excess of the body's requirements are excreted in the urine as unchanged thiamine or as metabolites. Pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine are readily absorbed from the GIT following oral administration and are converted to the active forms pyridoxal phosphate and pyridoxamine phosphate. They are stored mainly in liver where there is oxidation to 4-pyridoxic acid and other inactive metabolites, which are excreted in urine. As the dose increases, proportionally greater amounts are excreted unchanged in the urine. Pyridoxal crosses the placenta and is distributed in breast milk. Vitamin B12 substances bind to intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein secreted by the gastric mucosa and are then actively absorbed from the GIT. Absorption is impaired in patients with absence of intrinsic factor. Absorption from the GIT can also occur by passive diffusion. Vitamin B12 is extensively bound to specific plasma proteins called transcobalamins. Transcobalamin-II appears to be involved in the rapid transport of the cobalamins to tissues. It is stored in the liver, excreted in the bile and undergoes extensive enterohepatic recycling; part of a dose is excreted in the urine, most of it in the first 8 hours. Urinary excretion, however, accounts for only a small fraction in the reduction of total body stores acquired by dietary means. It diffuses across the placenta and also appears in breast milk.

Peripheral neuropathy/neuritis/neuralgia, myalgia, spinal pain, sciatica, lumbago.

Dosage & administration
Myelin? tablet is usually administered at a dose of 1 to 3 tablets per day or as directed by the physician. Myelin? injection is preferably injected intramuscularly (deep intragluteal). In severe cases, 1 ampoule daily until the acute symptoms subside. For milder cases and follow-up therapy, 2 to 3 ampoules per week.

Side effects
Generally well tolerated but allergic reactions may be observed in few cases.

Myelin? is contraindicated in patients on levodopa therapy, and in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the prepration.

Use in pregnancy & lactation : Myelin tablet is recommended.

Cyanocobalamin should not be given before a diagnosis has been fully established because of the possibility of masking symptoms of subacute degeneration of the spinal cord. Cyanocobalamin is not suitable form of vitamin B12 for the treatment of optic neuropathies associated with raised plasma concentrations of cyanocobalamin.

Drug interactions
No drug interaction has been reported yet.

In the event of overdose, symptomatic and supportive treatment is recommended.

Store in a cool and dry place, protected from light.

Myelin? Tablet: Each carton contains 10x5 tablets in blister pack.
Myelin? Injection: Each carton contains 5x1 ampoules in blister pack.


Drug Index

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