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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Calci .............Calcium Pantothenate


Calcium Pantothenate
Calci? injection contains Calcium Pantothenate, a calcium salt of pantothenic acid, which is very essential for the supplementation of calcium in the body.

Calci ? Injection: Each 2 ml ampoule contains Calcium Pantothenate BP 100 mg.

Mode of action
Calcium pantothenate neutraliges gastric acid in peptic ulcer disease and  gives supplementary dietary calcium by reducing serum phosphorus concentration which ultimately increases the deposition of calcium phosphate in bone and soft tissue.

Calcium pantothenate is indicated in the supplementation of calcium. It is also indicated in deficient dietary intake as in childhood rickets, pregnancy and lactation, in old age due to improper absorption, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, parasthesia and muscle cramp.

Dosage & administration
Paresthesia and muscle cramp: 100-200 mg daily for 10 days. Post-operative paralytic ileus: 100 mg every 6 hours until normal peristalsis is established. The above doses may be administered IM or IV.

Side effects
None reported with the dosage recommended. Rapid IV administration may cause bradycardia, sense of oppression, metallic or chalky taste. IM administration of calcium may cause local reactions.

Hypercalcaemia, ventricular fibrillation, digitalized patients.

Use in pregnancy & lactation
Well documented informations have not been yet found regarding using of calcium pantothenate in pregnancy and lactation.

It is particularly important to avoid high concentration of calcium from reaching heart because of cardiac syncope.

Store in a cool and dry place, protected from light. 

Calci ? Injection: Each carton contains 5x10 ampoules in blister pack.


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